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Walking Through The Word Podcast 4 Kids

Dec 22, 2021

Welcome! This is a quick tutorial on how to use the Walking Through The Word Podcast 4 Kids. This podcast is designed to partner with you as a parent or guardian as you help your kids develop the transformational disciplines of devoting themselves to meeting with God in the Secret Place every day. The Walking Through the Word Podcast 4 Kids is a companion piece to the Kids Daily Life Journal, which is a resource you can find at

Before listening to the podcast, have your child get their Bible (we use the Christian Standard Version for this podcast) and have them read the daily reading from the Walking Through The Word Daily Reading and Study Guide for the day’s date found in their Kids Daily Life Journal. We recommend allowing 20-30 minutes a day to engage your child in the following steps, which you can divide up throughout the day depending on what works best for your family. 

  1. PODCAST: 10 minutes
  2. DRAWING + JOURNALING: 5-10 minutes 
  3. SHARING + PRAYING: 5-10 minutes

We pray the Walking Through The Word Podcast 4 Kids blesses you and your family and helps the Secret Place with God to become the starting place for every place God takes you and yours each day!